Talking about mess. The education system is one whole lot of it, especially at higher level; yet the country, I understand, has 2 ministries catering to the needs of students. Where in the world have you ever heard that a hardworking university student repeats the same class for 3 consecutive years? But that’s not uncommon at the university of Yaoundé, that hell of a place. The professors want her body first. Hah! It ain’t funny.

In a country where there is no income support or unemployment benefits, millions are swamping the streets, searching for work; university graduates are stranded and destitute. Those who get jobs are paid miserly, and under duress. This is a country where wages have actually been reduced, whereas the rest of the world only knows about raises; a country that has been downgraded from a middle-income earner to least developed status. [A reporter I know who works for one of the up & coming and reputable newspapers gets as little as US$100 a month]. In a world that lauds achievement, can anyone be proud of a such dismal picture?

Cameroon is in dire straits. It needs a grand Marshall Plan. I recommend for France, the US, Canada, the UK and other donor countries to desist from giving further aid to the state. This is a country that’s endowed with vast natural resources. Cameroon, like many other African nations, doesn’t need aid, for indeed such aid is never channeled to the proper necessities and destinations. Instead, it goes to swell the coffers of those vampires. And it is indeed a shame to ask for aid, hopelessly disgusting to do so year after year. Canada’s population is small, so is Australia’s and New Zealand’s, all ex-colonies. How could a country like Cameroon have the audacity to solicit aid from any of these countries which have progressed by dint of their hard work? I read about the aid America was giving back in 1989. Yet, 9 years on, it seems there never existed such a program.