Hello, my name is Paul, and I like to be called Paul. My family name is EKANE but since I do not really know what the heck that means, I have decided to rename myself LeJOY. LeJOY because I'm a man resonating with panache and joy. [You can read more about this in My Philosophy].

As far as work goes, honestly, what I should be doing is travel and see more of our stupendously beautiful world and write some more about it and its fine people. I spend much of my free time writing novels and music. I enjoy creative art (in my case writing and music) for it brings me unspeakable joy that can't be measured simply in terms of financial remuneration. I have written several books, which you can find at my other site lejoycommunications.com. Three of my books have been published and in print, the rest can be read online @ lejoycommunications.com. Besides the burning passion for writing and music, I also work full-time as a Program Manager @ Synnex in Silicon Valley, Fremont, California. I was seconded here in January 2001 to help manage some projects for MITAC, the company I worked for in Taiwan between 1995 and 2000. During my eight-year streak in Taiwan, I worked for MITAC as the Global Materials Manager  a billionaire company and one of Taiwan's top three suppliers of personal computers. Before assuming the GMM role I was employed as a business and technology writer, also at MITAC. I wrote all of MITAC's English publications: product and corporate press releases, catalogs, advertisements, annual report and the company profile. One of my main duties was to write, design, and publish MITAC Minute, MITAC's bi-monthly publication chronicling technology and business trends and MITAC's strategies vis-à-vis such trends, our new product press releases, as well as the activities of our overseas branch offices and distributors.

Before I joined MITAC, I worked for International Village, writing articles and teaching English alongside. I'd go to work @ 1 p.m., write till 7 p.m. and then teach from then to 9 p.m. Sometimes, students would come for salon English and we'd talk for an hour or so; a good setting for them to practice their communicative English skills. In class, I encouraged a lot of role playing, which I video-taped and showed the students soon afterwards. Without sounding my own trumpet, my classes were packed with fun and chuckles and giggles. I had a lot of fun teaching those college students.
International Village was a good place for me to develop my writing career. I was paid to do what I love to do: writing. I was thrilled to pieces to know that I'd be using my own articles to teach English. Being what I am: humorous, positive, energetic and, some say, crazy [see My WORD for more], I was delighted to transmit my ideas, as it were, to these students and especially so because they treasured my works. Some still keep my articles up until this day.
I left International Village because the company was losing money due to the dog-go-eat-dog competition that prevails in Taipei. The rents were high, the students not so plenty as they'd wish. That's when I joined MITAC.

When I arrived in Taiwan my intention was to live and work there for a year, but like many foreigners, I ended up spending over eight years there. You can read all about my escapades in "Black in Taiwan", "Kane & Hiroko", "Ten Reasons Why I Have Enjoyed Living in Taiwan", "Chinese Lover", "Nina" and "Jessica". Go to lejoycommunications.com. But life is like that; you can't have everything; just do the best you can and carry on. [See My Philosophy for insight]. I enjoyed my job at MITAC, especially after relocating to the countryside, away from the hustle and bustle of Taipei.

Please call: 510-299-0093(H), or 510-732-3287(H)or e-mail me should you have any questions relating to the topics above.

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