So you really want to know what I make of life? Well, it's not easy, is it? If you are like many people, then you certainly have given up. But I am sure that isn't the case, otherwise you'd not be here right now and reading this material.

You've seen so many atrocities; man's cruelty to fellowman. Nature itself isn't at all kind to us. Diseases still abound in spite of the strides we've made in the realms of science and technology. Famine and starvation still prevail among a great part of humanity. Natural calamities such as drought, locusts, floods and earthquakes still ravage our world.

Examples of things to make one feel blue abound. But should we let those things deprive us of joie de vivre? No. Never. We are a diehard race. A people who have been able to achieve the unachievable in spite of the odds stacked against us.

The very fact that we have adversity in life is what makes it worth living. The race belongs to those who don't give up. To those who see opportunity in adversity. To those who say a categorical No to the negative feeling and embrace the power of the mind, of the will, of the human brain and of positive thinking.

The race belongs to those who want to leave the world with a legacy. Visionaries. Those with a dream, determination and drive. Where would we be without people like Alexander Graham Bell, Bill Gates and other inventors who have shaped our world? Where would we be without those who have changed our world and left us with hope and something worth living for?

The race is for the swift and not for cowards. Only the fool decides to take his life. Nothing is impossible for those who believe. Why can't we embrace this? Why can't we learn from daily examples? What joy an athlete has when he reaches the finishing line and is awarded the gold medal? What joy a mother has when she hears her new baby cry?

How happy the CEO is when the media sing his praises?


Life is a fight. Fighting itself,
though cruel it seems and indeed is, can be a very rewarding experience.
This is life. It's a struggle,
all right. But that's exactly what makes it fun.

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